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Friday, September 2, 2011

Roas Paan Boakibaa (French Toast Cake)

5 eggs
1/2cup vegetable oil
1 tbsp fine Ravaa (semolina)
2 tbsp flour
2 tsp baking powder 
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 pinch salt
3/4cup condensed milk 

In a bowl blend everything until combined well.

Pour into a 10 to 11inch non stick or well greased pan. Cook on very low heat with the lid on until the cake is puffed up and the sides comes away from the pan it will take about 15 to 20 minutes. The top has to be firm. Carefully slide the cake on to the lid or on a plate cooked side up. Hold the pan over the plate and flip to cook the upper side of cake for about 3to 5minuts. Turn on to a serving plate. Eat with honey or Jam..................enjoy.


  1. this looks good, but one question, why is it called roast "paan" bokiba or french "toast" cake when ther's nothing there about bread?
